Jacoby Brand Beef

All beef served in the cafe is specially from Jacoby Brand Beef. Not only is it served in the restaurant, but sold also! Stop by and purchase any cut of Jacoby Brand Beef!

Home Grown

Started in 1981, all Jacoby Brand Beef is bred, born, and raised in Melvin, Texas by the Jacoby Family. All the cattle receive only the best in nutrition, including a ration of pasture grass, hay, and a finishing ration specially mixed by Jacoby’s Feed and Seed. The cattle are never given growth hormones or antibiotics.

Ranch - to - Table

Jacoby Brand Beef is hand cut and dry aged 21-28 days to ensure exceptional tenderness and flavor!

Visit the Jacoby Brand Beef Website to explore more!:



Call HOLDEn at: 512-940-6619

or Lauren at: 806-773-9796

for more information!